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Brain glioblastoma, post-operative
Technical University Munich, Germany
Patient information
Patient who was operated on glioblastoma
Sagittal 3D FLAIR
3D FLAIR - Coronal reformat
3D FLAIR - Axial reformat
Axial T2w TSE
Axial SWIp
Axial 3D APT
Axial DTI (b1000)
Axial DTI (ADC)
Axial DTI (eADC)
Sagittal 3D T1w TFE
3D T1w TFE - Coronal reformat
3D T1w TFE - Axial reformat
Axial T2* Perfusion - rCBF
Axial T2* Perfusion - TTP
Axial T2* Perfusion - TO
Sagittal 3D T1w TFE (with gado)
3D T1w TFE - Coronal reformat (with gado)
3D T1w TFE - Axial reformat (with gado)
Sagittal 3D T1w TFE (high res, with gado)
3D T1w TFE - Coronal reformat (high res, with gado)
3D T1w TFE - Axial reformat (high res, with gado)
*Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.